Thursday, July 12, 2012

Keeping Myself Honest

I've made progress on my to-do list, but I'm Keeping Myself Honest and posting an updated version.  (In other words, work is dead and I'm way too hyper to knit or read.  It seems that this is what happens when I get a full 9 hours of sleep.  I have too much energy to focus.)

High Priority 
  1. Sell my car.  (This will, hopefully, be done this weekend.)  Still needs doing, but at a slightly later date. (Mom's loaning me money to cover the stuff I'd planned to pay for with money from the car.)
  2. Get new glasses. Appointment after work today.
  3. Get to the dentist. Sunday.
  4. Order my new computer (The shipping estimate is 3-4 weeks.)  Waiting until the car sells.  If need be, I can use my old one until it's delivered.
  5. Get my immunization records from Kaiser and have them sent to school. DONE
Medium Priority
  1. Fill out a ton of paperwork and mail it to school by August 1. DONE
  2. Have my official undergrad transcript sent to school by August 1. DONE
  3. Laundry.  So. Much. Laundry.  I think this will be on the list until the day I move.  I'm making progress, though?
  4. Get the stuff I have stored at friends' houses out of their houses and either sold or packed.  Will do either this weekend or next weekend.
  5. Pack all the stuff that I have in my own apartment and sell anything that I'm not taking with me. Progress is being made, but I still have to *live* in the apartment.
  6. Get together with my friends from undergrad to say goodbye and consume beer. Friday night.
  7. Buy sheets, a shower curtain, and a bathroom rug.  Also possibly trash cans. IKEA trip on July 28th.
  8. Hang out with Best Friend who'll be in town Wednesday to Sunday.  (I'm moving to the city where she now lives, but I haven't seen her in a while.) We hung out.  It was fun.  She went home.
Low Priority
  1. Meet with the HR lady at work to find out if they pay out my unused sick days, or just vacation days.  If they don't pay out sick days, take a sick day.  E-mailed her, she's out of town.  Will see if the information's in the employee handbook.  (IIRC, it's not the most clearly written document.)
  2. Finish as much of the blanket that I'm knitting as I can.  The goal is to be able to sleep under it by the time the cold weather hits.  (The original goal was to finish it before I move, but that's not happening.)  I'm making progress.
  3. Clean the hell out of my apartment.  (This can wait until my mom gets here at the end of the month, if need be.)
  4. Get a coffee maker with a timer and a new alarm clock. Found the ones I want, won't buy until I see how much the car sells for.

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