Saturday, May 26, 2012

First Post

This blog is meant to be my attempt to blog my way through law school.  That having been said, I have a bad habit of starting and subsequently forgetting about blogs, so we'll see how this one goes.

I'm a non-traditional law student/applicant by which I mean I'm not twenty-two.  When I was twenty-two, I was managing a bar in corporate restaurant, a dropping out of community college, and preparing myself for a career in the restaurant industry.  By twenty-five, I knew I wanted more than that and went back to school.

While I did well in school when I went back, law schools look at all of your grades, so they're seeing a GPA that's pretty terrible.  Still, I had a fantastic LSAT score (objectively fantastic, not better-than-I-thought-I'd-do fantastic) and was accepted, with scholarship money, to all but two of the schools to which I applied.  I turned down a few better-ranked schools for a full scholarship at a school that I absolutely loved when I visited.

School starts in August.  It's almost June.  I'm starting to freak out.  Rather than bore my friends and family, I'm blogging.  We'll see how this lasts.