Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is It August Yet?

Over the past few days, I've told a few friends that it's honestly not law school that I'm stressing over, it's the five-ish weeks until I move.  I've got a lot to do.  I have a car to sell.  I have stuff to pack.  I have friends to see and say goodbye to.  I need to go to the dentist, I need to get new glasses.  I need to talk to the HR lady at my work about the cost of COBRA-ing my current insurance so I can compare it to the cost of any school plan.  I need to get a new computer.

The thing is, none of what I have to do is all that difficult.  It may not be all that pleasant (did I mention the dentist?) but it's all doable.  I just don't want to do it.

I do want to unpack in my new apartment.  I do want to get together with friends who I don't see often enough because they live in the city to which I'm moving, not the one where I currently live.  I do want to eat at favorite restaurants in my new city and walk to the grocery store. I spent 45 minutes this morning driving the 8 miles from my home to my office.  I want to rely on public transportation to get around, thus turning my travel time into time that I can spend reading, playing Angry Birds, or just generally Not Driving.

 I want to get up and go to class.  I want to read material that I don't understand and try to make sense of it.

I want to feel like I'm working towards something, not merely biding my time.  When I tell people this, they remind me that law school will start soon enough.  They tell me to enjoy the summer, that soon I'll be busy and miserable and eating my words.  They might be right.  Still.  I'd like to transport myself to August, when I've dealt with all the crap I need to do between now and then.

So yeah.  Is it August yet?

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